Actually, the US has been richer than Europe on a per capita basis for pretty much its entire existence. This was why hordes of Europeans settled in America. The European elite's contempt had to do with the US's non-aristocratic (and in many cases, ex-convict) bloodlines and to some extent, the view that this country had money while lacking taste. The European hoi polloi shared none of this contempt, which was why so many headed for these shores.
There are many countries that have greater per capita levels than those enjoyed by Americans today. Doesn’t mean they don’t bow to Washington or pay tax to them in the form of ‘investment’. Doesn’t mean the Washington elite don’t look down their collective noses at them. India is poor in wealth not in power.
India doesn’t pay tax to a foreign power, neither did the Americans after their civil war.
China does. That is the difference between the two.