I have seen several lists of dogs from the smartest to dumbest. They all vary a bit but every one lists the border collie as the smartest.
I have never owned one but would like to.
By all means get one.We’ve had border collies in the past,very loyal and scary smart.My wife would like to get one now,but I’m afraid that the German Shepherds we have now might bully it.
You need to talk to folks who own them first. They are NOT couch potatoes. They absolutely must have something to do. If you don't provide them with something to do, they will find stuff on their own, and the chances are extremely good you won't like what they find.
They need toys. A farm is probably the best BC toy, if you can afford one.
They need free run time every day, and preferably several times a day. Walking them on a leash will not suffice (although they are quite capable of learning good leash manners).
They are extremely smart (I have seen my BC learn things many times with only with a single trial), sensitive and want to please (requiring a gentle hand in training), but are also expected to think for themselves and act independently.
But more than anything, they are busy, busy, busy!
Be aware of what you are getting into.
Uh, I suggest you do some research before hand.
Someone I know got a Border collie and they are very smart but must be kept busy. This breed of dog is a working dog, and unless you are willing to spend time, both moring and evening in providing activities for you collie, perhaps a more sedate dog would be better.
Just food for thought.