when the day comes... disinformation is your friend
be a supporter, a dummy, someone that prefers ignorance over trouble...
and when they aren’t looking, work sabotage and other nefarious deeds to help the resistance
I fully realize I will end up against the wall. i take comfort in the knowledge that many will go before me
Indeed, it will be very possible to put sand into the gears of tyranny, and if one is well versed in doing this with a face of innocence, even better.
All here should understand that the imposition of totalitarian power is in direct opposition to human nature. Socialism is theft, and carried to the furthest it is theft by a police state. Civil disobedience can be expressed by conservatives just as well as the left.
There is a great number of historical works to draw on to see where this is going. Especially Jefferson, and our Founders. We should WANT to be in their company, where the truth is an act of courage, and the truth will make them eat themselves alive with fear— the fear that is essential in a government that serves by the consent of the governed.
Deo Vindice.
“be a supporter, a dummy, someone that prefers ignorance over trouble...
and when they arent looking, work sabotage and other nefarious deeds to help the resistance.”
Be wiser than the serpent...good!