“My boss believes all conservatives are either ignorant, stupid or evil. I have put a real crimp into his world view because he cant really pin any of the three on me.”
Ditto re our neighbors. We were casual-friendly for several months and got along well. Then my husband mentioned to the guy that I was doing some computer work to help out the Tea Party. The guy about choked. They assumed we were libs. We have a nice home. We donate a lot to charity. Hubby is PhD. We don’t fit the narrative of conservatives in their mind and they’re confused. (We’re probably the first they’ve ever known.) When I told the lady that most conservatives are exactly like we are, she did that tilt-headed thing dogs do when they’re confused. Funny.
LOL... I've seen that look! (And truth be told, about 20 years ago, I gave that look.)
I run into this all the time in my line of work. I do a lot of work in people’s homes, and often become quite friendly with them.
They can see I’m intelligent and knowledgeable, so the liberals immediately assume I am one too. Often go off on rants against Bush or conservatives. Doesn’t even cross their minds that I might not agree.
I never get into it with them, since I think that would be unprofessional. But I am amazed at the unthinking assumption that if a person is intelligent and well-read, then obviously he must be liberal.