Number 1 is so true. If my dog sees me grab my gun and doesn’t get to go he freaks out and doesn’t behave for my wife.
On the drive for a hunting trip he will not quit whining. My hunting buddy who gives me dirty looks when I miss. :)
When we lived in town, my dogs would go berserk if we were going to the dog park. Forget trying to make it to our favorite mountain hiking trail. And the old man wouldn’t go on a walk without me. From time to time the kiddos would try to take him without me; he would stop just outside the gate waiting for me to catch up.
....buddy who gives me dirty looks when I miss. :)..........’ a teen sometimes I would give dad a dirty look and he’s say “Don’t give me that old dog eye” I understand your dogs dirty look LOL’’
they do look at you when you miss:
“really? missed again? i cant do everything here, you have to hit it first then i ll be glad to go get it”
the thing is the look isnt really critical its just a sad, kind of confuesed look. “how did that happen’?