The first wave of 780.000 job cuts came in Jan.’09 when U.S. business owners realized that the most ignorant electorate on the planet had voted a Marxist to the presidency. The Kenyan has used that number ever since to tell how bad it was when he took office.
If we have a similar repeat in Jan. ‘13 he will have some explaining to do.
I hope every damned Obama voter gets laid off in the near future...of course, niot that many are employed to start with...
I hope every damned Obama voter gets laid off in the near future...of course, not that many are employed to start with...
No he won't. Bush's fault. Explained... at least explained well enough for this ignorant, parasitic, and communist-loving electorate.
I agree we will start seeing huge layoffs in January or February. However, there is no reason to worry because we have food stamps and free birth control. Full bellies and slutty sex to keep the masses occupied! /sarc