Can somebody tell me why Asian-Americans vote for democRATS? You're right, Mr. Jeeves... logically they should be strong GOP supporters.
WHY do they vote for 'RATs? I don't understand this...
Because the GOP has been branded as racist redneck hicks that all people of color should be deathly afraid of no matter what other reasons may be put forth.
Trade war with China didn’t help. But they could also be like non-Orthodox Jews.
Dick Morris should be fired from FOX—I never want to see that SOB again! Fox should close up shop and go underground like Beck—They have lead us astray. America hates them! Obama is a genius —he is unable to be defeated in a election. He has the Unions (who will get richer) the MSM (who will get fatter) Seros and the Liberal Hollywood Crowd—what could stand against them? No one! Not a Timid Mittens. Now we must support Obama and work to make his vision of America Come true. His America is where we will live and our children and grand children. We need to fly the USA flag with his face upon it—it is the future of the USA. All Hail Obama! The first and greatest American of them all.
same as blacks welfare money, the states he took were all big welfare and bail out states