“The question should be Can an Evangelical Christian vote for a Muslim? BINGO! Beat me to it. Actually they did vote for a muslim in 08 and now theyre regretting it. Now do they vote for the Christian or the Mohamadean.”
Mormonism is NOT Christian, and it is because of that false assertion by Romney supporters that I have long since abandoned the idea that the GOP is in any way superior to the DNC. The Bible is unchanging on this issue, but men are changing all the time.
Respectfully disagree. Another point, Romney is not running as a Mormon on a Mormon ticket. To hold your vote because you are anti-mormon is to cast a vote for an anti-Christ muslim who pushes and anti-American, anti-Christian agenda. Vote for Romney because he shares many if not all of your Christian values and is truly an American Patriot. If you knew one thing about the Mormon Church you’d know that Mormons do honestly believe that American is a special place. Mormon doctrine teaches that to be a good, freedom loving American is to be a good Mormon.
From what I’ve experienced, there are independent religions that are heavy on conceit and self-forgiveness and very light on Virtue. They call themselves “christian,” as they define the term for themselves. And boy, do they love to claim they are right and others are wrong!
Maybe they are right and I’m wrong. Maybe God wants us to judge others without proof of right or wrong. Maybe self-righteous pride is a good thing? Maybe the Ten Commandments are just suggestions because of blanket forgiveness?
Wait. I’m acting like them. I’m being judgmental!