Did you know an experiment with a diamond anvil found that at 50,000 atmospheres pressure molecules of water take the form of a double-helix.
Did you know that shortly after their nuclear fires are lit by gravity, new stars spew out gigatons of brand new water molecules with extremely high pressure.
Lot of this stuff is pretty upfront and readily understood by human beings. The Bible Code is still chugging along, but it still requires a knowledge of Hebrew and serious pre-existing focus on both the obvious and the hidden written meanings in that Hebrew.
Today finding that light self-assembles into knots pretty much convinced me that just about anything can be true ~ and I really mean anything. Alas, I think the Bible Code folks are mostly Calvinists who think those messages are already there.
The amazing successes of modern science have lured a lot of people into believing they have managed to explain everything. No they haven’t — not by a long shot.