ha, ha.
Christie is praising the big zero for doing his job. Let’s see if those words translate into something useful, like rapid clean-up and help getting power restored. It’s not thaumaturgy to do the right thing.
The vaunted Obama thaumaturgy failed to prevent the rising of the seas.
There will be lots of references to God’s thaumaturgy this morning. And then there will be reports of tragedy. I hope all in the path of Sandy are relatively unscathed.
They closed my grandson’s college at noon yesterday — SUNY Fredonia. He was wondering how he was going to eat, if they had a power failure. No thought to studying, of course.
I need to check with 3 of my kids — NY, VA, and SC.
As for me, Gov. Romney’s planned rally here last nigiht was canceled. We’ll soldier on. We’re ore concerned with nursing my precious dog who came down with Lyme disease SUDDENLY this past weekend. He looks a little better this AM, but I was afraid we were going to lose him this weekend.
I have dentist this AM for somem major work after the dog gets his meds and breakfast. Then I have to see my doctor for an extension of my handicap tags because my knees are not getting better. Life goes on. For now. And my mother complains that the staff of her elegant, cushy, assisted lilving home have “early Altzeimers” because they don’t respond to her requests fast enough. (They are all in their 20’s). Has it ever occurred to her that they have 80 other residents to coddle? She wants her typewriter ribbon replaced. Now.
In Obama’s view of Healthcare, political thaumaturgy trumps trauma surgery...