There are 2732 people listed as 110 or older. Of that, 2706 are listed as 112 years old . That 112 looks like some sort of default or fluke. If you take them out, then there are 26 people over 110. That seems more reasonable.
Of the 2732, 1908 are Dems and 733 are Reps.
Here's the kicker, of the 2732, a whopping 2575 have received a ballot and sent it back. THEY VOTED ALREADY!
Great - you did get it! - mine is still stuck in notepad ;(
But what I think you are saying is that these aren’t people 112 years old, right?
So I guess the next question is to the state - how old are these 112yr old listed people? Are they real?
Amazing that that many people have already sent in their ballots - that’s THE other question!