So are you going to tell us about the screening or is this just a commercial?
What would you like to know about it? It was a tremendously personal look inside of how he ran his life on a daily basis. Interviews with everyone from both sides of the media spectrum who flat out called him every name in the book to people he worked with on a daily basis. Orson Bean who was father in-law to Andrew along with the actress who was the mother on Wonder Years who Bean is married to were shown heavily in the film.
Tons of footage with Andrew in hotels and at rallies while doing interviews via the phone. One of the best scenes is a 6 minute part of the film when he was having a crew from Nightline follow him and they sandbagged him and he knew it was happening at the moment it was happening.
Andrew is just blunt as blunt can be in the film. There are no images or videos of his wife and kids and no mention of his death until the screen goes dark after the Weiner story is picked apart and destroyed in a typical Breitbart presentation.