Did you read the story?
“But because of medical conditions of the day it was thought safer to leave shrapnel in his body.”
My dad had shrapnel in his hands from WWII; probably a lot of them brought it back with them - and left pools of their blood on foreign soil. All so this Kenyan fraud could prance along and crap on their service and their memories. - If only so many of those in that genereration could have conceived of the Democrat Party becoming a criminal enterprise and not allowed so many Democrats to ride the coattails of their CIC, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Daddy always detested draft dodgers worse than a little; but when Bill Clinton came along, he was Daddy’s baby boy and didn’t have to go if he didn’t want to be in the military. Trying to explain to him what a blob Hillary Clinton was just didn’t compute. (He was also pretty deaf from the results of the war and couldn’t hear the details of their shenanigans.) I’ve an aunt who also can’t compute the ties with Obama and the Clintons and how Clinton paved the way for this communist Marxist we now have.