To: mgist
I don’t believe it, unless some proof comes forward. Obama is not that smart, or evil. He’s simply a doofus and puppet. As for sending money to the Muslim Brotherhood, we all know he loves to spend other people’s money on his pet likes. And he probably ok’d giving weapons to the islamic rebels. That is what he should be held accountable for, besides not protecting our people.
10 posted on
10/15/2012 2:51:00 PM PDT by
To: roadcat
I’d prefer to see true facts in this situation also.
But, 0bama is only the front man as anyone with any brains is lurking in the background. Just look at the scam he’s gotten away with for the past four years and everyone gives him a pass.
I wouldn’t put anything past these evil bastards.
30 posted on
10/15/2012 3:08:59 PM PDT by
(Certified and proud "Son of a Bitch".)
To: roadcat
" Obama is not that smart, or evil."Sorry, my FRiend, but you're only half right.
32 posted on
10/15/2012 3:14:11 PM PDT by
(I am Andrew Breitbart!)
To: roadcat
I believe it because Obama is desperate. It is not “over the top” to seek all motives for the post attack actions of Obama and his minions in the administration. Hillary looked a total mess when she made an attempt to sing the talking points. The others were right on cue for 8 or 9 days. If something smells like rotted fish, look for the rotted fish.
36 posted on
10/15/2012 3:19:57 PM PDT by
(You don't think I'd go into combat with loose change in my pocket, do ya?)
To: roadcat
I believe it because Obama is desperate. It is not “over the top” to seek all motives for the post attack actions of Obama and his minions in the administration. Hillary looked a total mess when she made an attempt to sing the talking points. The others were right on cue for 8 or 9 days. If something smells like rotted fish, look for the rotted fish.
37 posted on
10/15/2012 3:21:21 PM PDT by
(You don't think I'd go into combat with loose change in my pocket, do ya?)
To: roadcat
Not that evil?
And you read articles on FR and think that he’s merely stupid?
57 posted on
10/15/2012 5:02:51 PM PDT by
little jeremiah
(Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson