It’s a stoopit way to sight, period. You can never have the same sight picture, grip and stance for each shot.
If you need a quick shit that is very effective practice punching your target.
Start by getting a perfect sight picture then lower your gun to your chest by bending the elbow only.
Practice this as if you are punching exactly where you want hit with a bullet at the end and build that picture perfect in your mind.
At the point you are confident you have mastered this begin practicing from your hip, gun in hand. Remember you are punching as if someone has thrown a punch or will throw a punch(with their bullets) which have anticipated or are responding too.
Once you are confident with both these drills begin practicing from your holster. You’ll get different feedback as you disengage your holster safety, draw, fully grip the weapon and punch.
Very effective and hiw trick shooters learn quick draw.
“If you need a quick shit that is very effective practice punching your target.”
The “I” and “O” really are close together on a key board aren’t they?
The real fasties use wheelguns. Slide can’t cycle fast enough to keep up with an expert revolver shooter.