Well, we brought her home, we will have to give her fluids twice a week and meds to stimulate the appetite and lower the blood pressure. She did eat a little at the vets but we still have to feed her special kidney food with a syringe. Her kidney values have gone down, they are still a bit high but so far, they went in the right direction. I think as long as we are able to get food into her, we do have a chance although it is touch and go for now. She mainly sleeps for now since the trip the vets was a long one, 32 miles each way.
Well, this morning, Mom reported that Whitey went to the litterbox, drank water and ate dry Fancy Feast food for 2 minutes on her own. A while ago, she did the same thing but ate the wet Fancy Feast for about 1.5/2 minutes on her own. She is grooming herself a lot too. She still sleeps a lot but she seems to be coming around, hopefully we will do better. It’s almost time for her meds, I figure will give her medicine at halftime (Steeler game).