Cat’s in the kettle
Did you ever think, when you eat Chinese
It aint pork or chicken but a fat siamese?
Yet the food tastes great, so you dont complain.
But thats not chicken in your chicken chow mein.
Seems to me I ordered sweet-and-sour pork
But Garfields on my fork.
Hes purrin here on my fork.
Theres a cat in the kettle at the Peking Moon
The place that I eat every day at noon.
They can feed you cat and youll never know
Once they wrap it up in dough, boys:
They fry it real crisp in dough.
Chou Lin asked if I wanted more
As he was dialin up his buddy at the old pet store.
I said “Not today. I lost my appetite.
“Theres two cats in my belly and they want to fight.”
I was suckin on a Rolaid and a Tums or two
When I swear I heard it mew, boys:
And that is when I knew...
Theres a cat in the kettle at the Peking Moon
I think I gotta stop eatin there at noon.
They say that its beef or fish or pork
But its purrin there on my fork.
Theres a hair-ball on my fork.