When I told other folks to ignore you because you’re helping a Marxist and calling it some sort of patriotic service, I should have taken my own advice. In other words, I shouldn’t feed the trolls.
Rent a tractor and pull your head out, sport. Later days.
I'm not a troll; a troll is someone who stirs up strife/excitement for jollies.
Someone else [BlackElk] said what I've been trying to say, possibly more simply than I have:
Any rational person despises Obozo. BUT, any rational person also despises Myth Romney. [ ] One simply CANNOT materially cooperate with the evil that is Myth Romney any more than with Obozo.
The notion (however questionable) that this useless GOP pig is marginally better than that Democrat one has a name: moral relativism. Conservatism is NOT about moral relativism.