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To: Mr. Silverback
Sure, they’re dead, but that means they have the exact same chance to become President on Jan 20 that Johnson, Goode and Hoelfling do. No chance.

Irrelevant; the actual differentiating factor is that those that are dead cannot perform the duties required by the office.

So, if the goal is to avoid “playing a game” by withholding your vote from the Mittster and giving it to a better candidate who can’t possibly become President, then why not the best President ever, John Adams?

See the above.

Write him or Coolidge in. If you don’t, you’re just stroking your own ego

You sir, have shown yourself to be quite disrespectful; the sort of spoiled child who mocks when others don't accede to their every whim. I've given you reasons why it is not morally acceptable to vote for Romney and you have replied, not by addressing the issues raised, but by the same discredited "the other guy's worse" argument again-and-again.

You might have an argument if the Republican party could be counted on to hold to its stared values; however, the post that got all this debate started was my indictment of the Republican party: how it does nothing to further its stated goals. How in Chaos am I supposed to be confident in voting for a man in whom I have no confidence in to be held in-check by a party I have no confidence in?

112 posted on 09/30/2012 7:50:36 AM PDT by OneWingedShark (Q: Why am I here? A: To do Justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.)
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To: OneWingedShark

Ah, the usual pattern is followed. I advocate what Reagan advocated (voting for the most conservative candidate who can actually win) and I’m rude, spoiled, etc.

Hey, just write your own name in. You might as well, because that’s what this whole exercise is about.

113 posted on 10/01/2012 5:06:06 AM PDT by Mr. Silverback (Reagan @ only 39/Mondale +5/Dukakis +17/McCain +3...panic is unwarranted. So is complacency.)
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