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Vanity: What's Left Before The Antichrist Comes?

Posted on 09/25/2012 2:35:20 PM PDT by ConservativeMan55

I think everyone agrees we're nearing the final days of the Earth as we know it.

But what signs have you seen?

Jews gathering in Israel to me was a huge sign that we're very close.

You also see radical Islamists taking over Middle Eastern governments one by one. Once they have a majority I would suspect it won't be much longer.

When will Israel attack Iran? All bets are that it happens before the election for a couple of reasons. A winter strike would be impossible. Plus, the Israeli's aren't taking the chance that Obama gets re-elected.

Plus.. October 15th the moon will be just right. And it won't be that way again for a long time.

TOPICS: Conspiracy
KEYWORDS: antichrist; cuckoo; end; times
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To: svcw

Bottom line, the time is now be ready...

101 posted on 09/25/2012 4:24:25 PM PDT by stars & stripes forever (Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!)
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To: richardtavor

I’ve been watching a longtime teacher of Bible prophecy on the Church Channel (website is, and a lot of his insights make a lot of sense. - Eyes to see and ears to hear; a good prayer for all.

102 posted on 09/25/2012 4:39:14 PM PDT by Twinkie (Barack Hussein Obama - An American Tragedy.)
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To: trailhkr1

“point in time we are living in the least violent times in man’s history??”



103 posted on 09/25/2012 4:54:16 PM PDT by huldah1776
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To: stranger and pilgrim
Greek έσχατη ώρα (eschate hora) can be interpreted as “latter time” too. What people should not be doing is conflating “antichrist” with “beast”.
104 posted on 09/25/2012 4:59:13 PM PDT by Olog-hai
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To: trailhkr1

Zachariah. 14 Jerusalem is attacked... Behold, a day is coming for the Lord when the spoil taken from you will be divided among you. 2 For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be captured, the houses plundered, the women ravished and half of the city exiled, but the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city. 3 Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as [a]when He fights on a day of battle. 4 In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south. 5 You will flee by the valley of My mountains, for the valley of the mountains will reach to Azel; yes, you will flee just as you fled before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then the Lord, my God, will come, and all the holy ones with [b]Him!

105 posted on 09/25/2012 5:00:27 PM PDT by huldah1776
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To: stranger and pilgrim

I agree with you. The word “antichrist” is misused and is never used in scripture as it is used in general modern theology.

That said, there is indeed scriptural basis for a particularly evil entity who escalates rebellion against Jehovah in the last days. I refer both to Daniel and to the passage in Thessalonians.

It is, I believe, also much clearer that the malevolent beasts in John’s Revelation refer to Islam, which came to power, was suppressed, and now is on the rise again (the fatal wound healed).

Istanbul, formerly Constantinople, seat of the Ottoman Empire, sits on seven hills (the prostitute, Rev. 17), and one of the sea inlets there is called the “Golden Horn” (Daniel reference).

Combine this with the Twelfth Imam/Mahdi escatology of modern muslims, and it makes too much sense to be ignored.

106 posted on 09/25/2012 5:11:53 PM PDT by Jedidah
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To: Twinkie

I know that guy from the Church Channel. Irvin Baxter is
very informative even if you don’t have the same endtime view.

107 posted on 09/25/2012 5:14:00 PM PDT by jusduat (on the mercy of the Lord alone.)
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To: ConservativeMan55

I think it is supreme arrogance to assume that we are in the end times. I can think of a dozen or more times in world history that were far more likely candidates.

There are about 7 billion people on Earth right now. To put that in perspective, if one million of them died each and every day, it would take the better part of three years just to kill off a single billion of them.

Yet can you imagine the horror around the world if a million people were dying every day?

You would think that the, by far, number one indicator of the end times would be people dying. Take out several billion people and the argument becomes downright persuasive.

Until then, it is best to resign yourself to hopefully dying of old age, like about the other 64 or so generations of men and women who have lived in the world, and died, since the year 0 A.D. Okay, maybe 63 generations since 22 A.D., if you want to nit pick.

We’re just not very special. The end times will happen when the end times happen. Trying to predict them is a lot like astrology.

108 posted on 09/25/2012 5:35:23 PM PDT by yefragetuwrabrumuy (DIY Bumper Sticker: "THREE TIMES,/ DEMOCRATS/ REJECTED GOD")
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To: time4good

chips and satellites don’t need wires.

109 posted on 09/25/2012 6:10:09 PM PDT by huldah1776
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To: ConservativeMan55

Key events yet unfulfilled Chronologically:

1. Psalm 83 - Bordering Nations surrounding Israel attempt to invade and are thwarted by God.

2. Destruction of Damascus (somewhere during/between Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38

3. Rapture - Holy Spirit is removed from the earth along with all born again Christians

4. Ezekiel 38 - Russian/Iranian/Egyptian/etc. Multiple nations stage a massive invasion from the north and are totally obliterated by God.

5. Anti-Christ appears as a savior to the world and brings peace. (7 yr trib begins) The 7 year peace treaty includes a provision for Israel to rebuild their temple to God which the Antichrist breaks 4 years into it, entering the temple and setting himself up as God in it.

6. Armageddon - Antichrist wages final battle against God.

7. Return of Christ in Glory / Establishment of New Jerusalem on Earth... Satan/followers imprisoned.

8. 1000 year millenial reign of Christ

9. Satan is released again

10. Great White Throne Judgment

110 posted on 09/25/2012 6:27:27 PM PDT by Safrguns
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To: ConservativeMan55

The third temple.

111 posted on 09/25/2012 6:44:42 PM PDT by bmwcyle (Corollary - Electing the same person over and over and expecting a different outcome is insanity)
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To: Yosemitest
At some point the light will go on as to the identity of the two nations that represent the two houses in Ezekiel chapter 37. That combined front begets the next chapter. The whole (combined) house of Israel isn't primarily residing in a little strip of land along the Mediterranean.

Ever since the "Perfect Storm" of October 1991 (coinciding with the Madrid conference, the beginning of the land for "peace" assault upon the real estate covenant with Abraham), the names of the chief perps in the charade (US presidents) spell out GOG (George William George). Add in the stench (BO) of the latest POTUS (a Nobel peace prize recipient, no less) and you get a guy who has stripped the veil off that peace process, bring it to fruition via the MB.

GOG + BO spells גוג בא, meaning "Gog arrived/came" and also "Gog arrives/comes".

Must be a coinkidink.

>>>The 1991 Perfect Storm, also known as the Halloween Nor'easter of 1991, was a nor'easter that absorbed Hurricane Grace and ultimately evolved into a small hurricane late in its life cycle. <<<

>>>In Kennebunkport, the storm blew out windows and flooded the vacation home of then-President George H. W. Bush.[2] The home sustained significant damage to its first floor.<<<

112 posted on 09/25/2012 6:49:13 PM PDT by Ezekiel (The Obama-nation began with the Inauguration of Desolation.)
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To: ConservativeMan55
Read Psalm 83. It describes a confederacy of nations that immediately surround Israel: Egypt, Lybia, Jordan, Syria...

You may want to read "Isralestine" for a good description of the Psalm 83 war.

113 posted on 09/25/2012 7:10:03 PM PDT by Former Fetus (Saved by grace through faith)
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To: ConservativeMan55

Isaiah does not say. There’s no verse saying that Israel is directly responsible for the destruction of Damascus, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t be. It just means that God did not deem it important for us to know ahead of time! Given the situation, I think it is very likely that Israel will strike Syria if the rebels take control or if the wmd are at risk.

114 posted on 09/25/2012 7:16:01 PM PDT by Former Fetus (Saved by grace through faith)
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To: Safrguns
Rapture - Holy Spirit is removed from the earth along with all born again Christians

I've often wondered about that. I mean, we know there will be lots of people accepting Jesus during the Tribulation, yet it it the Holy Spirit who convicts people of their sin. I've asked my pastor if it is possible for people to come to Jesus without the work of the Holy Spirit, and he couldn't answer (he, like you, thinks the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth around the time of the Rapture).

115 posted on 09/25/2012 7:32:21 PM PDT by Former Fetus (Saved by grace through faith)
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To: Former Fetus
Rapture - Holy Spirit is removed from the earth along with all born again Christians

Impossible. As you've pointed out one of God's immutable things, ONLY the Holy Spirit can bring people to Christ. The verse in question "he who is taken out of the way" has been a point of controversy for a very long time. But go back to the first point, He can't be removed, as people WILL be being saved. So the 'He' could either be Christians, the representation and acting 'Salt of the Earth' tempering things, or, some have said The United States, as Israel's ally, but once Christians are gone, the US will sadly be like all other heathen nations. Some have also said 'taken out of the way' means The Holy Spirit but in a way of minimal restraining men's hearts to be evil.
116 posted on 09/25/2012 8:03:41 PM PDT by time4good
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To: ConservativeMan55

Before the man of perdition is revealed, the Great Apostasy occurs.

BTW, since nobody knows the day or the hour of the 2nd Advent, including even Christ Himself, if follows tha neither does the Adversary, it has been said that the Adversary always has an antichrist in the wings in every time before the second coming.

117 posted on 09/25/2012 8:08:41 PM PDT by Cvengr (Adversity in life and death is inevitable. Thru faith in Christ, stress is optional.)
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To: ConservativeMan55

2Th 2:3-15
(3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
(4) Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
(5) Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
(6) And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
(7) For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
(8) And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
(9) Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
(10) And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
(11) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
(12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
(13) But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
(14) Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(15) Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

118 posted on 09/25/2012 8:15:35 PM PDT by Cvengr (Adversity in life and death is inevitable. Thru faith in Christ, stress is optional.)
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To: Cvengr; All

Next, Israel will be attacked with chemical weapons. The material of which will have come from Syria to Hezbullah.

Next, Israel will respond with Isaiah 17:1 - “Woe to Damascus, it has been taken away from being a city, it has become a ruinous heap.” Please understand, when the Bible account was written, the city of Damascus was the only place where most people lived in the lands of Syria. So, to say Damascus is the target is to really say: Syria.

Next, with Israel hatred heating up - it’s easy to see the possibility of Russia, China and all the Muslim nations descending toward Israel - in order to destroy her forever; especially after the attack on Syria.

Next, All those who come to the Valley of Migiddo for Israel will be greeted by Almighty God - and WWIII will be ON!!! And .. it will be filmed and shown to the world -LIVE - by a TV station on top of Mt. Carmel.

Oh yes, Israel wins!

Heard all this in a prophesy in 1985.

During and after WWIII, the final harvest will begin. People better get their churches ready .. time seems to be moving very quickly.

119 posted on 09/25/2012 9:38:29 PM PDT by CyberAnt ("America is the greatest nation on the face of the earth".)
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To: time4good

No. There were believers prior to the First Advent who were saved, true branches of the olive tree spoken of in Romans.
Those believers were not indwelt by God the Holy Spirit. Imbued but not indwelt.

The Church Age is identified with the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit in each and every believer.

Once the Body is complete, then the volition of God, His Sovereignty determines His dwelling place, is free to dwell elsewhere. So when the Church, the bride, is removed at the Rapture, likewise, the indwelling of all believers is no longer a feature of that coming age.

Israel in the Millennium will be indwelt, again an oracle of God in that age, manifesting His grace, especially to branches which had been broken off and later returned to the living root of the tree. Gentile believers in later years will not be similarly indwelt, but they will have the Lord Himself as their leader and King for the Millennium.

120 posted on 09/25/2012 10:52:08 PM PDT by Cvengr (Adversity in life and death is inevitable. Thru faith in Christ, stress is optional.)
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