What church did they go to?
Not to pry but just wondering about the tidy language.
I guess I never ever heard my grandparents swear though my daddy liked a good cussin’.
My mom-—and I guess her parents on occasion too-—would call us “little scheisters,” using the German for sh!+, and my mom would also say “you little pee-ought” which I deduced after she died, too late to ask her, probably stood for P.O.-—as in we had got her p.o.’d....
My Paternal G Grandfather was the Methodist Circuit Rider for a part of S.E. Georgia. In his later years he converted to a Southern Baptist. His Son, my Granddaddy was also a Southern Baptist. He attended Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville.
My Mother’s family were also Southern Baptist tho I think they were at first Pentecostal.