Deployment commander ORDERED me to lay off the kimchee 3 days before our flight back.
Love the stuff. Great for keeping the system clean.
I did a 13 month tour and never tasted kimchi. As bad as it smelled, I wouldn’t eat it.
A Korean guy was in a class with me in grad school and during the first semester his wife had not arrived and he had to eat American dorm food. She arrived between semesters (apparently with a 55 gallon barrel of the good stuff in tow) and when he walked into class there were nearly visible garlic fumes coming off his clothes.
I love the stuff myself but unless both you and your significant other and colleagues are too, the radiant aroma can be a little overpowering. My wife hates that I keep a big jar of Kimchee in the fridge but there are no decent Korean restaurants in our area and every once in awhile I need my fix.
A jar of kimchee and a six pack of beer, and I'm a danger to the environment.
The First lady has threatened me with calling the EPA.