Thank you.
Let me reiterate
FU Akin
Terrific argument.
Akin is a decent, principled conservative; not sure your foul-mouthed posting here warrants as felicitous an evaluation.
By the way, Akin apologized for his ill-advised remark. He has moved on — but it seems you are unable to do likewise.
Why not send him $50, or do you really prefer McCaskill?
He may be decent
He may be principled
But he is also a moron.
You do not promote morons to high positions (even if you personally like them). Morons hurt your cause, regardless of their best intentions.
Good,reasoned post. Too bad that reason falls on so many deaf ears here these days. my prayers are for a good man, Akin to win out over the liars like Mc Caskill and Rove.