If they work in a factory that supports the government, they’re a legitimate target.
If they drive a bus full of workers to government offices, they’re a legitimate target.
If they pump gas into those buses, they’re a legitimate target.
If they work at the refinery that makes the gasoline, they’re a legitimate target.
If they kiss the guy who works at that refinery when he comes home at night, they’re a legitimate target.
If they sell groceries to tho bus drivers and workers, they’re a legitimate target.
Got it you silly woman? Morons like you are going to get tens of thousands of Americans killed.
What about the people who give diplomatic support to the Islamists? That's be the USA.
What about the people who pay taxes that support those diplomats? That'd be U.S. taxpayers.
What about the people who placed the Islamists in power or kept them there? That would be all the people who voted Democrat or Republican in the last election, or "wasted" their vote on some minor party, or didn't vote at all.
What about the developers, manufacturers or shippers of the Islamists weapons systems? Their communications systems? Their financial systems? And those who feed, house, and educate them? How about the spouses, dependents and kin of those taxpayers, voters, and the rest of the military-indusrial complex? Now we're cookin'. That covers just about everybody.
Find yourself on a Yahoo map. Put a little red flag there. Zoom out from sea to shining sea. By your own criteria, you and everybody around you must constitute a legitimate target.