Bumper sticker stock is designed specifically to NOT mar the surface of your Precious Prius.
And yes, I personally tested it to verify that it peels off completely and cleanly before I first used it.
DNC convention ‘cuz I noticed it was in your home state, and since you responded so favorably to criticism of The Won, I naturally assumed...
1) I drive a Yukon XL
2) Bumper sticker stock implies permanance. That’s why you still see Dole/Kemp stickers on rusted bumpers. Window clings (static cling “stickers”) imply easy on, easy off. That’s why you don’t see any Michael Jackson memorial clings on anyone’s back window. Well, one reason why, anyway.
3) I live in Iowa. Thanks for reminding me to change my flag.
4) If you believe my criticizing your decision to possibly deface private property stretches so far as to support “the none (typo intentional)” then wow, I can’t help you.