Barry’s the anti-Clinton.
Clinton cust capital gains taxes, Barry wants to raise them all.
Clinton presided over spending cuts...has Barry signed ANY cuts?
Clinton signed NAFTA-Barry wants more trade restrictions.
Clinton signed DOMA/Barry wants that undone and won’t enforce it.
Clinton signed Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell...Barry undid that.
Clinton signed welfare reform...Barry wants more people on welfare and without work requirments...
Clinton raised taxes—one of the first things he did
All those other things happened AFTER 94 when the GOP revolution occurred
Clinton—Appoints 2 left wing idiots to the Supreme Court
Obama —Appoints 2 left wing idiots to the Supreme Court
Obama — refuses to disclose his medical history
Clinton —refuses to disclose his medical history
Obama — History as a coke user
Clinton — History as a coke user
Obama — Running all over the world apologizing for America
Clinton — Running all over the world apologizing for slavery
Obama — Obamacare
Clinton — Hillary care
Obama —In Bed with Ayers and Rev Wright
Clinton —Leads anti American protest in England Hillary in Bed with Black Panthers
Obama — Fake photo ops with returning military caskets
Clinton — Fake building of a cross on DDay Beach and Fake finding a flag at WWII cemetery in Europe
Obama — New gun control from Holder and UN
Clinton — Brady Bill and Assault Weapons Ban
Obama — Taking 3 months to decide on new troops
Clinton — Denying Armor in Samolia
Obama — Enemies List
Clinton — Filegate
Obama— Disses SCOTUS in SOTU speech
Clinton—SCOTUS boycotts SOTU and disbars Clinton
Obama — Playing Golf while waiting to decide on troops in Afganistan
Clinton — Playing golf and not taking the phone call to take out Bin Laden
USS Cole—Kabul Towers—Attempted asassination of Fomer pres Bush Responds with Tomahawk missles at radar Sites an aspirin factory
Obama — Blaming Fox News Rush Limbaugh Glenn Beck
Clinton — Blaming Talk Radio for Oke City and blaming Fox News and Wash Times
Obama — No Middle Class Taxes —Gonna get a tax increase
Clinton Promised Middle Class Tax Cut instead new Tax Bill
Obama — Promised Most Transparent administration in history — Least transparent
Clinton — Promised most ethical administration in history —most corrupt
Obama — Everybody’s fault but his
Clinton — Everybody’s fault but his
Clinton — IRS auditing of all major Conservative Organizations
Obama — Same thing
Clinton —Tried to open the military to homosexuals
Obama— opened the military to homosexuals
Clinton —Lincoln Bedroom rent out
—Pay for trade plane ride
Obama — $$$$ for Senate seat
—Jobs for not running in the primaries
Clinton —Wrong War in the Balkans siding with the Muslims in Kosovo
— Groundwork for 911(Berger steals proof )
—Pardons Puerto Rican Terrorists
—Pardons Marc Rich
— Loots the WH
—Loathes the military
Obama — Gay Czars
- -—Moves detainees from Gitmo
—Civilian trial for 911