Obama is running out of smoke
And shiny mirrors to explain
Why most of us know he left us
Standing broke, out in the rain
I suppose that the next “story”
His minions are directed to tell
Is that he’s been too valetudinarian
To see plainly the road to hell
That he has sent us speeding on-
If he is concerned he might be ill
He needs a psychologist for that-
Preferably one with plenty of skill...
I swear he is has a major emotional problem-now he thinks if he becomes story-teller in chief people will learn to like no work, no money for bills, ramen noodles and hamburger helper to eat every day with salad as a treat? If I were a casemanager for his employer I’d recommend a psych eval for him before he got a dime of workers comp benefits...
A+++ We’re gonna put HIM on the unemployment line in NOvember.