I quit loving her within 2 weeks after she left me....tore up every pic I had of her into little pieces
Not long after, her married to some fat old rich f-word and she makes the trip 700 miles for a weekend of the one thing she never complained about cause he couldn't give her what she liked sexually.
I was single and not even in a committed relationship.
I told her I would have sex with a man before I would ever get it on with her sorry ass and sent her ass packing. Fast forward another year or so and she begs for it at my father's funeral....crazy assed woman huh?....this time I even had my new fiancee with me. talk about a strange pew of family women..lol...gave folks something to talk about...fiancee, ex, and older girlfriends who had adored my dad..rightly
it reminded me of when one of my best friends down home in MS died early 20s in plane crash and all his girlfriends showed up...about 5-6 of them all boo-hooing together under the tent...life is sure strange
She was a bitch to be married to and hell to be divorced from child custody wise.
This notion of lovelorn poetry if a woman leaves ya is for pussies who can't put their big boy pants on.
Now if your adored wifey DIES then wow....I don't know what i would do.
The pain ...the lonesomeness...makes me wet eyed to even consider it...like losing a child.
But beyatch leaves ya....
Let me tell all you young Gen X and Y boys here.
Woman leaves you...curse her memory and get that right in your head...even if you were an ass...don't linger over it and for God's sake don;t cry and act so weak for them....they don't respect that.
Go get yourself another one...even if you just have to fly to Santo Domingo or Rio or Barranquilla for a few weeks of pure unbridled hedonism with as many sun kissed nubile honeys you can afford or sweet talk into your life.
And get your head back on.
The world is full of fine women just waiting for a man..and there is one who will love you.
Mine is on my homepage..16-17 years now.
My ex leaving me was the best thing ever happened to me.
The one downside that a man loses on is the children. Even crack bitch from hell usually gets the kids and they suffer for it.
You do the best you can and be prepared to spend forever and it's never the same...that is all you can do till they are 16 or so...earlier maybe for boys if the judge is sane
Like Percy Sledge said...Take Time to Know Her
especially if you breed with her
Life is short...make it sweet.
and there is nothing finer than a ripe good woman...everything else is second place...distant second
Not even close, my friend. Not even close.