If the majority of “unchased by the cops” drunken drivers caused fatalities then the death count would be in the millions and not the 10’s of thousands my FRiend.
Reality is what a conservative strives to deal with.
While it is BEST that all drunk drivers end up behind bars reality must be taken into account by those with above room temp IQ’s.
It simply is ridiculous to contend that hot pursuit of a drunk is safer for the public than refraining from such.
I’m surrounded by morons it seems...God help us.
Apparently so. Must be nice to be so perfect
I never suggested that drunks end up behind bars....maybe you just ought to take them out and shoot them.
Also your logic is not solid. Obviously there are many folks who drink and drive and get to their destination. To assume they are safe is silly. There are many hit and runs that leave damage to others property (if not their life). Allowing the drunk to drive is like leaving a bomb a=on the road that set is set to go off-— you just don’t know when.
Now maybe where you live and work there aren’t that many drunks that drive. In So Cal there are not only a lot of them but a lot of them have no license (either illegal or previous DUIs). Every community debates the chase response and comes to what is best for them. In this part of southern California high speed chases are a daily ‘sport” (mores the shame)
I am sympathetic to you and all other officers of the law who have to operate under rules that can get you killed. My hats off to you for your service.