a woman with an older man is now the anti-status symbol.
I think a woman marrying a man between 5-20 years older is natural and good for both parties. Just my 2 cents.
Can't say that I can agree. 5 years would be absolutely no problem. Other than the obvious physical attractiveness, I can see no reason why anyone would seriously want someone 20 years younger. Although I'm sure to be deluged with reponses that start with, "My grandmother..." inter-generational dating is IMHO, almost always a mistake. What's tolerable at 30 and 50, is a nightmare at 50 and 70.
I'm 4 years younger than my wife, and we're doing fine after 20+ years. The important thing is that we're of the same time, and can relate to each other being in the same stage of life.
I let my wife read this, and she wants to know why you think that women aren't tempted to cheat to with younger, good looking men? She further added that would go double or triple if they're married to someone 20 years older, who she doubts they actually found physically attractive in the first place.