I'm not a psychiatric care professional, or anything - I can only relate what happened with someone close to me. I guess a person can be in a manic state for a very long time, if they don't receive treatment. The person I know was not herself (but not drastically so) for months, until she went through a period where she basically didn't sleep for about a week, and then her behavior got much worse.
Ultimately she spent about 2 weeks in a behavioral care facility, where they tried various kinds of medication and then she was released. I assume because the insurance ran out, because she certainly wasn't herself.
She did start seeing a psychiatric doctor pretty regularly and things got better, but she still goes through cycles of ups and downs.
Like I said, I'm not a professional, but be prepared for a long road ahead.
Your description of your experience sounds quite similar. I did go to a pharmacy last night and the pharmacist didn’t seem in the least concerned with these medications. The only thing he said about them was each should be taken at certain times of the day. He thought I was the patient and I didn’t disabuse him of his assumption, hoping I would get better information. I kept looking at him as he pecked on his computer, waiting for him to look at me with that look you give crazy people, but he actually never met my eyes. Apparently there are many people who takes this stuff, he didn’t bat an eye.
I was beside myself with worry last night and everyone here was so very kind and helpful and I’m much better now. THANK YOU ALL. I have a call in to someone for a psychiatrist referral so we’ll see where that takes us. Didn’t hear from my friend today and couldn’t bear to try to get in touch with her since I don’t have my next step ready (the referral to a psychiatrist).