The Atomic Cannon is/was at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Aberdeen, MD. I last saw it about 8 years ago. Very impressive. I tried to bring it home but it wouldn’t fit in my van. Damned. There went my plans for urban renewal.
One of the German railroad siege guns was also there.
When I served in the army in Germany 59-62, the atomic cannon was a common site during field exercises. We weren’t allowed up close but I saw it at least 5 separate times being moved(no easy fete)about Graf or Hoenfels.
Nice try! My dad gave me model of the Atomic Cannon when I was about six. One of my favorite toys.
I’ve heard comments that they broke up the display. I was there during that record breaking 22 inch snowfall. Just couldn’t get around although I enjoyed the indoor museum right down to seeing Dr. Atwater (sp?) who is on video saying M-16 bullets swelled in the chamber causing the right to jam. Otherwise I’m sure he is a weapons wiz.