Bristol Palin was once named the worst person in the world by Keith Olbermann.
Her crime? Her crime, to Keith and liberals, is that she became pregnant without a husband, and had the audacity to work with a foundation, which tries to help girls avoid the mistakes which lead to unwed motherhood.
For trying to help girls avoid a major problem in their lives, Bristol Palin is lampooned by liberals. For trying to help girls avoid mistakes she herself can speak of from personal experience, she is condemned.
Remember, that these liberals see nothing bad about unwed motherhood. Since in the liberal mind, we’re supposed to be completely non-judgemental, there should be no judgements made about Bristol Palin over having a baby without a husband.
And what’s up with criticizing her work with the foundation to help girls avoid pregnancy? Would Keith Olbermann or anyone else, criticize the alcoholics who run Alcoholics Anonymous, for their work in urging others to avoid drinking problems?
I just can’t imagine that Bristol is a lighting rod, for having personal experience with a major social problem, having acknowledged her own mistakes, and trying to help others learn from her own personal mistakes. This kind of derision directed towards her would not be directed towards anyone else trying to do something about a major social problem.
Lots of things are erroneously deemed “hypocrisy” these days, but Bristol Palin blathering on about how much better kids do with a mother AND a father is a giant glowing neon example. Hypocrisy at its worst.
She didn’t marry her son’s father or give him up at birth to be adopted by a married couple.
Now that it’s too late for her to do either of things, she should at least be quiet.
The left hates Bristol because she didn’t abort her baby.