What does a Creek look like? I thought that my friend looked like an Indian, except for his blue eyes.
I think the last time I saw a news article on eye color there were 15 different genes involved, and each of them may affect the deposition of pigment ~ and there are TWO KINDS OF PIGMENT. There's your standard black-brown pigment. About 6.7 billion people have that kind. Color varies by density of pigment in which layers of the eye, and there are several lawyers, and age can make a difference.
Then, there's your very special red-yellow pigment. About 300 million people have that kind. That's where color just goes crazy, particularly if the individual also has some black-brown pigment.
Indians are descended from East Asian people who seem to have gotten here in a number of ways over the last 18,000 years. All it takes is one guy with a clear retina, clear iris, clear lens, and maybe some other clear stuff and he can create a one man cascade event where you end up with blue eyed people just all over the place.
Knowing that all North American Indians have some Sa'ami ancestry (from maybe 24,000 years back), or Yakuts/Sakha (from maybe 5,000 years back, maybe even more recent) the probability of finding a clear eyed Indian (which looks blue or gray) is exceedingly high.
White folks aren't the only blue eyes on the planet. Check this dog: http://www.google.com/search?q=blue+eyed+husky&hl=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=aNmzT7iVOais2gXr4rHpCA&ved=0CHcQsAQ&biw=1106&bih=547