I’m paying attention to more than you are.
Because I see a bigger picture than Planned Parenthood. I’m out there with the yellow balloons, standing with other Pro-lifers who are on the front line. I see it in a big picture.
You’re seeing a chart. I’m seeing the small strides we HAVE made coming because of conservative judges. Four more years of Obama will kill more Preborn. Perhaps even born. Ever hear of the “Born Alive Act”?
If there was no difference between obama and the mitt-wit except for this one fact, it would prove enough for any human to vote to keep the obama thing from leaving a baby to die. Unless of course a person's pretend pride takes precedent.
So don't let them shove an abortion advocate down your throat.
Have the faith and courage to vote your conscious. If we do, it will save the unborn and our country in the long run.