A good deal of this I attribute to the wanton slaughter of over 45,000,000 humans in abortions. Tens of millions of them are not here to pay taxes, need services, provide services, etc. Since Soc Sec is a Ponzi scheme, just where in the hell did they think the money would come from.
I understand that 30-40 years ago, 33 people were putting in money for each person getting Soc Sec. And now it's down to 3-1.
I really think we don't consider the awful damage these 45,000,000 abortions have damaged our economy . . . we just can't see these 45,000,000 contributors because they've been slaughtered.
And not just the money.
Grandparents used to live with their families and they loved new grandchildren and passed on wisdom and stability and God to the younger generations.
All lost due to social security.
Bingo on the abortion point! This why I think neither party wants to do anything about illegal immigration.
“.....just where in the hell did they think the money would come from.”
Illegal Aliens....