It's helpful but it won't protect you from the "dreaded homonyms," words that sound the same but have different meanings. "Rein, reign and rain" for instance. If it's a real word spell check will OK it even it it's used improperly, as in "to reign in government" instead of "to rein in government."
I won't even start on the topic of misused apostrophes. Their proper use seems lost forever. The "rule" these days seems to be to toss them in randomly and as often as possible.
>> If it’s a real word spell check will OK it even it it’s used improperly, as in “to reign in government” instead of “to rein in government.”
What do you mean “instead of”?
“Newt Gingrich intends to rein in government.”
“Barack Obama intends to reign in government.”
Of course not. But that's what the brain is for. And if that's inadequate, should we really care? This is an online forum, not a HS or college English exam. We all makes mistakes in out typing. We all have those fluky words we sometimes misuse or don't really understand. It happens.
Also, there's the 'editing trap', where you write something, decide to change it before posting, and miss that word, a few before or after the change, that also needed to be changed. It throws the entire sentence or statement off.
That's really what the 'Hugh' and 'Series' jokes are about. I'm for doing an 'LOL' and be done with it...