James Sexton says:
Analysts believe that the development of the solar and wind power industries will stabilize .
Lol, it will drop to the degree the west quits subsidizing it. Lets hear all of the lunatics now talk about how were losing the tech race with China. How renewable energy is the wave of the future .
It was a phony propped up market in which enabled China to siphon $billions from the gullible lunatics advocating this massive bit of stupidity. Now that the funds are getting shut off, the industry is dying a quick death. Can we put the turtles back now? lmao!
Lord Timothy of Edsion says:
Gee, post a link to Wen Jiabaos full speech why doncha. Decoded, all it means is that China will result construction on the four plants on which world was suspended following Fukushima.
As for the phrase China to drop solar energy neither this phrase, nor any phrase like it, appears anywhere in Wen Jiabaos speech.
Engineering-minded and economics-minded folks who want to know whats *REALLY* going in Chinaregarding green energy technologiesneed to read Why Boston Power Went to China in the most recent issue of MIT Technology Review (a Google search will find it).
Not sure what the post is saying....will look further.