Love the kitty names. I am also fond of ‘personality’ names for our cats.
Midnight (named by my wife before we met)
Pickle - orange male tabby, always in trouble
Dill - orange female tabby, looked like Pickle
Dust Bunny - feral rescue, would only hide under furniture at first.
Wobbles - has neural issues with her legs
Litters of rescued kittens
Bucket and Nugget
Clorox and Smudge
Plus and Minus
Gotta love the kitties
Reminds me of this one kitten in a litter I found. The little calico lost most of it's leg ---so I called her 'Footy'. 'Footy' was the first kitten adopted from the litter. A young girl would be the new owner. The young girl also limped since birth. I remember calling the little girl about 2 weeks later--- asking how 'Footy' was doing. Sweet kid.... She told me that they don't call her Footy because it brings attention to her disability. I can't explain the emotions i had then but I had to hold back tears...