I had to call for my payoff as well. It was pretty funny- the guy stuttered when I asked for for the payoff. (I needed to know how much it would be on a specific day as I was paying online through my bank.) I paid the designated amount for the first six months of my loan then never paid less than double. When we got tax money back or any other payments, it was applied as well. And it did feel good to see it go bye-bye. The man on the phone even congratulated me. I don’t think he was getting many calls for payoff amounts at that time. I am sure it is even worse now.
And I carefully chose a major that I was able to use immediately. Not this women’s studies or gay studies bullcrap.
“I don’t think he was getting many calls for payoff amounts at that time.”
Yeah... must have talked to the same guy! It was kind of awkward, lol.
Read somewhere, the whole raison d’être for disallowing student loans to be discharged in a bankruptcy was because so many were purposefully walking away from their loans. (Doctors and lawyers). So we got that goin’ for us. /sarc