That is very nice for a bush just planted last May! It is happy.
I’m surprised it is so happy because it is in full sun almost all day (the nursery where I got it told me a.m. sun & afternoon shade). Mom picked the spot .... trying to replace an ancient ‘umbrella’ tree or some such thing that had to be replaced so what the camellia ‘likes’ wasn’t much of a consideration. The only thing I can figure out is that it is planted just inside an ‘L’ formed by the main house and an addition so it is somewhat ‘protected’, plus it is the east side of the house .... but I’ve watched when the house shadow gets to that spot and it is very late in the day. Anyway, it surely does look happy & appears to be thriving - we cannot believe the number of buds and the color should be absolutely stunning. I’ll post a pic when it finally does bloom.
I just went outside (chilly this a.m. - brrrr!!!) and looked at the two camellias dad bought yesterday & took some pictures. The one in this pic is called "Rose Dawn" (rose form to formal double rose flowers). The picture doesn't do it justice ... what a beauty! I think the deep pink shade is the most gorgeous pink I've ever seen .... no one does 'color' like Mother Nature.
The second camellia plant has no blooms, but is called "April Tryst". I looked it up and the bloom is described as 'red, anemone form'. They are a new "April Series" noted for excellent winter hardiness. This one blooms in April (but I don't see any buds on the plant he bought).
One of my other very favorite plants is lilac. Dad bought a couple of very small Daymon Lyman Lilacs that we will be planting this weekend ... description " considered by many to be the finest lilac, this gem features upright panicles of lightly fragrant pinkish-purple flowers in late spring; multi-stemmed and upright, forms a large ball; a superb specimen plant". We have an abundance of full-sun areas that should be great for these lilac bushes ... looks like we'll be watering a lot of new plants during the dog days of summer. :-)