Thought I might add:
I do not propose to legalize drugs.
When people are caught with drugs I propose that they be given three choices:
1. Jail.
2. Rehab
3. Drug addict hospice where they get a bunk, food, and all the drugs they want to consume.
If they choose hospice, they acknowledge that they have a terminal illness which they do not wish to treat. They must agree to a vasectomy or tubal ligation to prevent having crack babies. They can opt out of Hospice for rehab if they decide they want to clean up.
Every addict has a Do-Not-Resuscitate order in their chart. If you OD, you die.
I see a number of positives:
1. Get addicts off the streets. Prostitution, theft, and other crime will decrease.
2. Hospice is cheaper than jail.
3. Addicts will have no incentive to try and get others hooked. Right now, many addicts try to recruit new customers so they can pay for their own drug needs.
4. Defunds the narco-gangs and states, e.g., Afganistan.
5. Saves medical resources for those who want to live healthy lives.
6. Offers a bit more liberty. You can do drugs if you accept the consequences.
7. Darwin will sort them out.
Makes good sense to me.
I think you have a great idea! Two drug addicts in my extended family, both in and out of jail and rehab for many years- both have cost taxpayers a fortune. When we tried to get one help when we first realized he was on drugs he said he would rather die than go to rehab so he would have been a great candidate for your program.