Free Kindle Reader Software (click here)
If you have multiple computers, multiple Kindles and/or other devices capable of downloading Kindle books download a free copy of EFAD to each of them. The idea is to boost the downloads of EFAD as much as possible if I understand the briefing correctly.
I regret that I have but one computer to give for my country!
Hello my dear friend. I know a free Kindle Reader on the PC isn’t as comfortable as one that may live under threat of a good soaking in the tub, LOL, but at least it’s available. D-Day to support Matt is 1 March, so don’t jerk that trigger.
I’d love to do this on the work puter but it’s nearly overwhelmed by the camera software.
Looks like I can get a download onto my wife’s IPhone4S this evening as well...So one more, that’ll make 4 for the cause...
And I happened to just go ahead and buy the other 3 novels as well, even though I have hardcopies of them all...Why not...