You may be onto something. The media is now going after Santorum calling him “extreme,” “homophobic,” “anti-Protestant,” and “anti-women’s rights.”
Yes, actually it is media driven, mostly by their antagonistic view of any such thing as values.
We can only hope that most of America has become wise to their efforts and propaganda.
I keep thinking just how can this many people continue to fall for the Media’s lies. It does seem that maybe the Media knows more than we do - that most of America are really uneducated when it come to politics.
They do seem to keep voting for anybody that will promise them the world. Can they really be so ignorant? Guess we will see if it continues to happen for the coming election.
You forgot “racist”.
The media (specifically See-BS) has already smeared Santorum as being racist by claiming he said things that he provably did not.
But that’s how the media operates.