Looking at last years stats, I assumed she’d lay right at 72 hrs after the first, and darned if she didn’t!
I was watching. Her body start contracting like peristalsis - waves started at her shoulders and moved down her body. Then she shook her tail and stepped back - Wow!
She sat and looked at them for a while, her body language said to me, “Now why in hell did I do THAT??”.
Then it started to snow. She’s pretty well covered in it right now.
What an experience!
I watched it live too! Her little chirps, tweets, and coos were sweet. It was amazing. I felt so sad for her when she was so exhausted and then got covered in snow. I know it didn’t bother her, but it bothered me!
My son and I have been waching this morning. Mom and Dad eagle have been very active this morning flying in and out and tending to the nest.