I have been on FR for over 10 years, owned my own successful business, have a Masters of Science in Biology and a measured IQ of 135 and consider myself Conservative/liberatian. So where does that put me in this study?
On the other hand I have liberal friends who regurgitate everything MSNBC and the NYT tells them, and haven’t had an original thought in years. Where would they be placed in this study?
According to the study you are stupid. Luckily, you are so dumb you cannot even read this response to know how dumb you actually are. You are also a homophobic racist. Please have any intelligent liberal, such as the ones that conducted this study, tell you what some of those words mean. Not all of them, mind you. Your pea-sized brain couldn’t begin to understand all of them at once.
Your liberal friends who can regurgitate everything on MSNBC are not only intelligent but enlightened.
I hope that answers your questions 8>)
Same here, but when I sent them you tube clips of 0 bummer saying he had campaigned in all 57 states, they never bothered to reply. Part of my email read: "Real genius you voted for in the election".
Wow. These questions are getting really hard.
Ha ha! I'm bigger than you by fifteen inches!!!