To: DCBryan1
Folks, this is GOVERNMENT-OWNED housing. Not private homes.
47 posted on
02/05/2012 12:05:30 PM PST by
Atlas Sneezed
(Author of - Makes You a Precious Metal Expert, Guaranteed.)
To: Beelzebubba
Why let Freeper hysteria and paranoia get in the way of facts?
49 posted on
02/05/2012 12:21:18 PM PST by
To: Beelzebubba
not according to the article...
50 posted on
02/05/2012 12:23:03 PM PST by
(American Hedonist - *DTOM* -ww- NO Pity for the LAZY)
To: Beelzebubba; Chode; All
Um, no. The idiots behind this lunacy are looking at privately owned housing:
From the article:
The thinking behind this initiative was provided from a report, Hoarding of Housing undertaken by a newly created charity, The Intergenerational Foundation (IF), a left leaning, research-based think-tank which promotes fairness between generations as they state on their website. The report makes for depressing reading as its clearly aggressive stance toward older people who they consider to be rattling around in big houses while younger families are being squeezed into smaller flats and under-sized houses. IF claims it is not urging the government to round on older generations and turf them out of their homes but they have busily calculated that 25 million bedrooms are standing empty and that 51.5% of those aged over 65 have two or more bedrooms that they dont need.
Public housing would just be the start. This is clearly aimed at privately owned property, and to call them out as the communists they are is not only appropriate, but absolutely necessary.
58 posted on
02/05/2012 12:58:34 PM PST by
(Be Prepared for what's coming AFTER America....)
To: Beelzebubba
Wrong. They are discussing private homes. Read the entire article.
85 posted on
02/05/2012 6:07:32 PM PST by
Secret Agent Man
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