Well, that is a nice idea, but doctors won't prescribe more than 30 days at a time. If you really need it you might need to take your AR to the pharmacy just as the balloon goes up.
Depends on the med. If it involves pills that affect the brain drug enforcement laws prevent huge prescriptions fearing that you are selling them on the side.
Youtube Patriot Nurse. She goes into who will die if SHTF. People with health problems that depend on daily meds will die. People who are drug addicts will turn on their closest associates for a fix. Probably will end up getting killed because they are aggressive and not rational. Unfortunately they will probably hurt or kill the more vulnerable or hesitant among us before someone takes him/her down. (Libertarians take note, in a SHTF scenario, drug users are very vulnerable and dangerous, still want to legalize drugs so more people can experiment with it/addict/rely on it). If you cannot get several month supply you are basically screwed. Remember in a currency collapse or bank holiday, all ATM and credit cards are frozen.