His pick is Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up". Zzzzzzz. Predictably, a choir materializes for the big finish. And a raising platform--"you raise me up". Subtle. I'm not a Groban fan, but this doesn't compare to the original.
J-Lo: I think the whole world knows what I think of Joshua already. Such amazing singers. You last four, I kinda thought that's who would be here. I liked the "dramma". Keep it consistent to the end. You could end up right there.
Steven: You sang you're little tush off. The world is accepting you like .... uh ... nobodies business.
Randy: Brought it to "chuch". I'm so excited to see what you do. Giant career ahead of you.
It cracks me up, but does not surprise me, that J-LO can not complete a single sentence without refering to her note cards a minimum of 3 times.