There is no way Sarah Palin will endorse a guy who not only sat on a couch with Pelosi in hopes of generating interest to stop “global warming”. He also openly worked with Hillary Clinton to advance a “kinder, gentler’ form of Government Run Health Care; he also runs ads against an opponent out of desperation that attack Capitalism; he also called Paul Ryan’s “Road Map” a plan of “Right Wing Social Engineering” that ostensibly needs more government intervention in it to tamp down..well..excessive government intervention into people’s lives.
If Palin endorses that, then her own career credibility takes a huge hit. Gingrich used to stand for Conservatism on principle. He now stands for Conservatism out of political expediency, which is the same reason he starts moving leftward. Gingrich thinks today that a leftward shift on many issues endears him to a press he hopes will buy whatever book he’s got coming out.He is a huge loose cannon, and despite all his better qualities, Gingrich’s ultimate problem is that he believes in Federal Government Solutions to problems that could be better addressed either more locally, or - in the best possible scenario - privately. He aint what he used to be. A Sarah Palin endorsement of him would be an albatross around her own neck.
What is less than zero?
Very well stated.